Plan for a New City

Project designed by Anish Kumar while employed at tvsdesign >

1,000 sq miles / 200,000 ha

Total population: 3 million
Urban population: 85%
Density: 5,670 persons/sqkm

Urbanized: 45,839 ha (23%)
Non Urbanized: 150,417 ha (77%)

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Working collaboratively with a team of international economists, a multi-national development consortium, and the Government of Vietnam, Anish Kumar prepared a conceptual development master plan for a new green city in Vietnam – incorporating state of the art environmental planning and building technology as well as extensive environmental preservation and recreational open spaces.

The city is organized into a series of compact districts, surrounded by rivers, creeks, preserved forests, farmland, and parks. The districts are designed to maximize opportunities for walking and transit use through mixed-use and pedestrian-oriented planning. Districts are linked to each other and other urban places in Vietnam by a high-speed mass transportation system. Significant forests, wildlife habitats, farmland, waterways, hills, and cultural resources are preserved in an open space system comprised of parks and open land surrounding the districts.

Districts include two central business districts; a seaport industrial district; an airport industrial district; residential villages integrated with the existing natural waterways and landforms; and small clusters of hotels, resorts, and golf courses located along the province’s greatest natural assets: the coast, waterways, and the mountainous region.

A multimodal transportation system interconnects with new city and its districts and includes a stop on the proposed national high speed railroad, an enhanced national highway, a scenic outer beltway, a coastal highway, and a modern light rail/bus transit system.

The City’s open space system includes both developed open spaces and undeveloped land. Developed open spaces include a series of active and passive recreational open spaces for use by City residents, workers, and visitors including a large coastal park along the South China Sea coast; a riverside park system along the Ky Lo River; an agricultural park system located along major farmlands adjacent to the City’s districts; and urban boulevards, plazas, and parks within the districts.

In addition, three times the amount of developed land (land occupied by the City’s districts) is preserved permanently as open land for wind and hydro energy generation; fresh water sources; preservation of ecological resources such as forests, hills, wildlife habitat, sensitive waterways, and coastal areas; conservation of farmland and cultural resources; andunspoiled natural landscapes for ecological tourism.